Aura Fresh – Modular Chord Impressions Volume 3 EP out now!

After 5 years Aura Fresh warmed up the voltage controlled oscillators again and recorded his new chord impressions via an LM4250 chip based analog multi-mode filter module. Kicking techno grooves and analog chords guaranteed on the 3rd volume too. (In 2013 Aura Fresh released his first Modular Chord Impressions volume, then in 2014 the second volume was published of this series.)

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Aura Fresh – Modular Chord Impressions vol.2 (2014)

New EP on the way: this is the second volume of Aura Fresh’s Modular Chord Impressions series. How the composer describes the release:
the intention was simple – to catch that moment when a dub chord is being born from 4 voltage controlled oscillators. No fancy-trendy samples or fill-ins, mouse-drawn software envelopes or automated modulations in the tracks of this release. All tracks recorded live on hardware and as always in this EP series: no presets – these chords are also gone….
Title: Aura Fresh – Modular Chord Impressions vol.2
Release date: 6. April, 2014.
Catalog: CPR008

aura fresh